Business Analyst Conference:
Pre-recorded Business Analyst conference, full access to 20 Sessions and 4 Workshops, Earn up to 28 CDUs, 20 World Class Speakers, Download Materials, Watch and Re-watch on Your Schedule, Easy for Recertification, Latest Business Analysis Topics
Imagine having access to a treasure trove of recordings and materials featuring world-class speakers, covering the most important and cutting-edge topics in the business analysis profession. With VirtualBACon 2023, you can soak up invaluable insights and knowledge at your own pace, all from the comfort of your favorite cozy spot. No more rushing from one session to another or fretting about missing out on a crucial presentation. You now have the power to create your own conference schedule, tailored exactly to your needs.
But that's not all! We know how important it is for professionals like you to keep up with certifications, and that's why we've made earning professional development credits a breeze. Whether you're looking to recertify with IIBA or PMI, VirtualBAcon 2023 has got you covered. Don't miss this epic opportunity to enhance your skills and stay ahead of the curve.
What you’ll get
18 one-hour symposium sessions from industry leaders and world-wide experts on a wide range of Business Analysis topics
4 two-hour workshops that dive into topics more deeply with hands on exercises and handouts to learn new Business Analysis Techniques
20 world class speakers and industry experts from around the globe to being you the widest .perspectives on current business analysis topics
Download all the materials from sessions and workshops - including all handouts and exercises - apply new skills in the real-world
Develop skills and learn new techniques on your schedule - watch and re-watch sessions and workshops in your most comfy place
Earn up to 26 PDUs for IIBA and PMI recertification - keep your Business Analyst certifications current by earning PDUs for IIBA or PMI certifications
Jennifer Battan
Tom Henricksen
Jennifer Battan
Your Personal Power of 3: Traits of Self Aware, Successful Project Professionals
Presented 2022
There are times in life when something resonates with you. Something connects and it elevates us to what we know to be our critical path in our career. What if we could elevate that path sooner? You can; you tap into your power of 3. Every decision and step along the path of discovering who you are and who you want to be has an impact to your career trajectory. Do you want to play it safe near the ground or gain some altitude without getting air sickness? Or maybe, rocket into a career worthy of the stars! Let’s come together to learn the power of 3: the traits that will transform you into a self-aware, successful project professional. Learn which decisions and actions change the course of your career trajectory, and how you can pull from your very own power of 3 to create a unique, amazing and deserving career.
Learning Objectives
Learn the power of 3 and how to harness the traits for a successful career
Discover key moments in your career that can change your unique power of 3
Learn how the different traits can be used separately and in combination to a greater, more fulfilling career
Technology is Easy - People are Hard
Presented 2023
Can we all get along? Learning the developer mindset with incredible career lessons to improve communication between business analysts and developers. Get a deeper understanding of how the developer role evolves and how to build better relationships with development organizations.
Learning Objectives
Relationships, communication, influence, collaborating with technical people, and conversational fun.
The Truth is Out There - Getting Beyond Yes or No
Presented 2023
Every day we encounter polarities that shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Polarities are opposing forces or perspectives that exist in tension with each other and are often mutually exclusive. From inhale and exhale, joy and sadness, to love and hate, these dualities create tensions that are essential to how we work and how we view the problems. Understanding and managing these polarities is crucial for our personal and professional growth, as it allows us to navigate complex situations with greater ease and effectiveness. By embracing and integrating opposing perspectives, we can unlock more profound insights, new perspectives and ways of thinking that can lead to positive change in our lives and in our projects. In this session we’ll explore polarity thinking to get beyond “either/or” and leverage the value of “each.” Because when we get stuck on one side or the other, both sides lose.
Learning Objectives
Experience what polarities are and how they impact our lives.
Learn to identify the push and pull or the impact of the polarity on our situation.
Introduce a tool to identify the polarity and begin to see both sides and determine the course of action.
In Your FACE: facilitation, analysis, collaboration, and elicitation techniques (2022)
Presented by Jennifer Battan
This mini-workshop is included in the standard ticket price. Seriously? Yup - it’s a value added bonus like no other.
Were you looking for a way to take your requirements game up another notch? Well, look no further because we are going to get into your FACE (Facilitation, Analysis, Collaboration, & Elicitation) techniques.
This course not only teaches how use modern collaborative and interactive techniques for Facilitation, Analysis, Collaboration & Elicitation (FACE) but it also can be used in Waterfall or Agile environments. It’s like getting two techniques with one stone. Even better these tools help improve the quality of your products and elicit requirements more effectively. You'll have everyone talking about how great YOU are as a Business Analyst leader.
Train your brain for success (2023)
Presented by John Kennedy
We all define personal success differently. For you it may be to be a better spouse or parent, a better athlete or to make more money doing what you love to do. However, the single common denominator to everyone’s success is our brain and how it performs. The ability to process more information faster, stay focused longer and get into the highly productive mental state called flow (“the Zone”) can significantly accelerate your journey to success.
Your Power - Creating and Receiving Psychological Safety (2022)
Presented by Dr. Elizabeth Fleming
Psychological Safety is now widely accepted as a necessary condition of effective workplace cultures. And yet, creating such an environment is often easier said than done. While leaders need to be the majority stakeholders in cultivating psychological safety, every individual in the organization plays a role in receiving and propagating that felt sense of safety. This session will explore the role that power (positional and personal) plays in the quest for psychological safety, regardless of one’s role in the organization. Attendees will have an in-depth understanding of the role that they play in impacting psychological safety and will develop an actionable plan that can be implemented immediately for leveraging their power to further cultivate psychological safety.
The dialectics approach: understanding what isn't being stated (2022)
Presented by Dr. Elizabeth Fleming
Business Analysis is a journey of courage, strength, and determination. Business Analysts must be able to see the power in wholeness and be willing to go on the difficult journey of coming to deeper understanding with Leadership and Stakeholders. This is not an easy task, but it is necessary in order to truly help clients. Business Analysts must be willing to apply a dialectical approach to conversations, requirements gathering, and more in order to help their clients reach their full potential. It is only by understanding the importance of this work that Business Analysts can truly make a difference in the world. Join us on this incredible journey.
The coexistence of Product Owners and Business Analysts within roadmapping (2022)
Presented by Jeremy Mann
As product ownership and business analysis share many skills and often blur roles, the business analyst community provides clear direction in activities within planning, roadmapping, and backlog refinement. Our role continues to facilitate the convergence of technical, strategic, customer and business thinking with increasing demand. We will look at the leadership strategically within product ownership, tactically through business analysis on delivery teams and the functional capability of a roadmap.
There are no politics in business (2022)
Presented by Joe Perzel
Business professional are faced with lots of data and have to make lots of decisions; and there are plenty of options and opinions about those decisions. If someone does not support your "project" or your "strategy" it is because they have a different perspective that is based on their experiences and priorities. Their lack of support for your idea is not politically based; it's because *you* do not understand their perspective. It is up to you to listen better and try to appreciate an alternative view. Hopefully the other person or department will try to appreciate your good idea too.
This presentation will discuss how to take out (or at least reduce) politics in your project, program or portfolio, leaning on effective, pro-active approaches by altering your view of “politics” and improving your understanding of other perspectives.
The courage to try something old (2022)
Presented by Elizabeth Larson
We know that it often takes courage to try something new. When our organization adopts a new methodology, for example, it can be exciting but scary. When we exchange the familiar way of doing things for the new, we can feel displaced. That’s especially true when what we’ve been doing has worked for us in the past.
But what about trying something old? The old ways are not always welcome. Like using techniques that we know are valuable but are now discouraged. Or skipping familiar steps because they are thought to take too long. To be sure, the old ways do not always add value. But when they do, it takes courage to get the organization on board.
This presentation describes the nature of courage and how to apply it to the world of business analysis. It addresses the need for some basic techniques and skills that are useful beyond the methodology being used or the type of project being completed. There will be a mixture of lecture and discussion.
Agile, Executive Blind Spots, and the Evolution of Business Analysis (2023)
Presented by Jonathan Babcock
Many initiatives are positioned to fail before they even make it to delivery teams due a lack of basic “pre-emptive” business analysis at strategic planning and line-of-business leadership levels. The good news is, this gap, and ongoing adoption of agile delivery methods provide a great opportunity for business analysis practitioners to provide significant value.
During this session, we'll refer to industry research and observed evidence supporting the notion that strategic business analysis, partnering business leadership with trusted advisors and other key solution delivery roles, can drive the next jump forward in how we define and deliver business value.
Chaos and Change: Become a Quick-Change Artist (2023)
Presented by Kit Welchlin
Feeling overwhelmed with the constant change? In Kit’s presentations he shares the three key drivers of change, the mistakes we commonly make, and the strategies for managing the stress caused by change. Wish things would just stop for a while? The accelerated pace of change is getting faster, customer service is getting tougher, and professional speakers like Kit can help.
Change has become nonstop and to avoid change management training can stall or even ruin your career. Change management training provides the tools to use for those who invest energy in finding and seizing the opportunities brought by change. Meet the challenge.
Strategic Analysis for Excellence (2023)
Presented by Trent Leopold
This presentation demonstrates how to effectively and strategically practice Business Analysis for imparting excellence. The latest findings in neuroscience research pertaining to strategic thinking are demonstrated and related in practical ways to their use in the practice of Business Analysis. Each attendee is provided with a set of invaluable practical tools and techniques to take with them from the presentation to begin immediately using in their Business Analysis practice.
The Stakeholder Engagement Canvas (2023)
Presented by Kathy Berkidge
BAs plan our stakeholder engagement approach carefully to maintain effective working relationships with our stakeholders. While there are many tools and techniques to perform stakeholder analysis, we need to analyse the mindset of our stakeholders – a deeper level of analysis - to understand how they will react in various situations, and how we may best respond to them.
This means we must be willing to look within ourselves to understand how our behaviour, words and actions may be perceived to adapt as necessary while avoiding causing conflict.
The ‘Stakeholder Engagement Canvas’ helps us perform a deeper level of stakeholder analysis. This new tool examines various aspects of the stakeholders’ mindset in context to the project as well as how we can be more mindful during our engagement with them. Kathy will present how to use this canvas to enable more effective stakeholder engagement.
Bazinga! Big bang, high impact must have business analysis techniques (2023)
Presented by Jennifer Battan
Discover and explore these new analysis techniques in a brand new workshop from Jen Battan. Here’s just a few: principles of structured collaboration, Together - Alone, functional decomposition diagram, example mapping, the process path, the lightning decision jam, sailboat technique, and more!
Learn how to conduct a Lightning Decision Jam (workshop session) with your stakeholders to quickly and easily elicit requirements for projects in a fun and collaborative way.
The art of productive questions (2022)
Presented by Mindy Bohannon
Asking targeted and probing questions and then actively listening to the answers are top key business analyst skills. During this session, we will review the power we have in questions and the reward we get in the answers. First, understanding the difference in the categories of questions available to us and how each results in different information in responses. Next, we evaluate the different ways we listen, with active listening and other techniques, to continue delving further or begin anew. Together we will practice several techniques and analyze how each benefits our work differently.
Three keys to working effectively with senior leaders (2022)
Presented by Richard Larson
As our careers advance, sooner or later we encounter senior leaders and executives. We can be nervous and panic or we can focus on things that increase our effectiveness and become their trusted advisors.
It need not take years of nervousness, though, to learn how to effectively interact with executives and to influence good decisions. This session clearly lays out three key areas of focus to help you calmly and effectively work with and influence executives. Get started today and become successful in your interactions with executives!
From Business Analysis to Product Owner to Product Manager (2023)
Presented by Kent McDonald
Are you a business analyst who wonders how you can use your business analysis capabilities to be competitive in the job market for the next 3 to 5 years?
As I first noted back in 2017, product owner and product manager roles offer a viable career path for business analysts, especially those who currently work on custom software development projects.
Come to this session to learn about the similarities and differences between business analysis, product owner, and product manager roles. Then discover how you can apply your business analysis experience to becoming a product owner or product manager. Along the way, you’ll hear about the lessons I and others have learned from moving from business analysis through product owner to product management roles.
Bamboozled! Are your Requirements Psyched Out? (2022)
Presented by Paul Crosby
You're stuck on a project and can't seem to get past the roadblocks to elicit requirements from all your stakeholders. Bamboozled! You've tried different techniques, but they don't seem to be working. So let’s psych this out. Let’s talk about what bias is and how to work with it. Let’s identify when these biases occur, facilitate the conversation, and use techniques to challenge those thinking biases head on. Let’s talk about how story bias, the Berlin Wall, an exceptional case bias, the super model effect, causality illusion effect, and the erroneous anchor fallacy can be facilitated and managed before they do damage.
With presentation, you'll learn how to deal with bias and roadblocks head-on. We'll show you how to use these biases to your advantage, so that you can move forward with your project quickly and easily. Don't let bias stand in the way of your success. Learn how to overcome roadblocks and design requirements.
Traveling on the Turnpike - How to Gain the Value in Values (2023)
Presented by Tina Underhill
Value seems tough to define, let alone measure and plan the increment of that value our leaders our expecting. Come along and plan a road trip with little to no congestion as we have fun along the way.
On our journey, we will collaborate to understand the best feature to start with based on the effort, perspectives, and costs.
We will talk through the major differences between Output against Outcome while we navigate through the traffic and accidents we will encounter.
Lastly, we will leave you with a process to get started right away!
Tango with a Bear - Dancing with Conflict (2023)
Presented by Paul Crosby
Why can't we all get along and be productive? As social creatures, we have a powerful need to get along, but that can lead to preference falsification, avoidance, and being afraid to speak up, all of which affect how we manage conflict. Let's talk about the Preacher, Litigator, Politician, and Defender in you and how they come out during times of conflict. We're going to talk about how to disagree - without being disagreeable - and why a drawing a house creates task-based discussions to resolve conflict fast. Conflict isn't a game of tug of war; it's learning to Tango with a bear.
Meet the Speakers
Jonathan Babcock
Jonathan Babcock, a Director at Jabian Consulting, is a solution definition and delivery strategist with 20+ years of experience partnering with business leaders to reach their goals through people, process, products, and technology. I've advised clients from line-of-business management to C-level executives across several industry verticals.
Jennifer Battan
Jennifer Battan, CBAP®, the Out of the Box BA, has an energetic passion injecting innovation and creative problem-solving techniques into how BAs do their day-to-day work. Her passion is helping teams apply the art and science of business analysis techniques with fresh, modern perspectives. Jen is an internationally recognized conference speaker, educator and thought leader within the business analysis and creative problem-solving communities.
Kathy Berkidge
With a background in software development, Kathy is an agile BA professional with over 30 years of experience in I.T. She provides business analysis and agile training and consulting services to many organisations in a variety of industries, as well as speaks internationally on topics relating to agile, mindset and business analysis. Kathy works with teams to improve teamwork, be more innovative and deliver better customer value.
Mindy Bohannon
Mindy thrives as an Agile Business Analyst. She relishes solving business problems, developing solutions that drive the business forward, and relating to others with collaboration, trust, and humanity during the process. Mindy began her career journey as a database developer; and is now a BA and Scrum Master, working on application modernization and data science projects. She’s spoken on analyst and professional development topics at many local and national conferences over the years.
Dr. Elizabeth Fleming
For over ten years, Dr. Fleming has worked with businesses small and large to transform their organization by delivering a wide range of solutions tailored to her clients’ unique needs. Elizabeth integrates her strong interest and academic background in the psychology of people when leveraging evidenced-based approaches in the areas of talent and leadership assessment, succession planning, HR transformation, learning and development, and executive coaching. Having worked internally on action-oriented Human Capital and Talent Development teams, Elizabeth has successfully launched multiple leadership development and early-career programs and brings with her a strong expertise in instructional design.
Dr. Jimmy Godard
Jimmy J Godard is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and one of the best at organizational IT changes. For more than 25 years, he has led global changes with diverse teams, helped non-profit organizations, coached IT leaders at leading with passion and purpose and reaching their full potential.
John Kennedy
John has been speaking at conferences for many years including PM, business, sports, military and Medical. John is a #1 International Bestselling Author, Master Executive Brain Coach, International Speaker, Trainer and Process Efficiency Consultant. John now combines his extensive efficiency consulting background with his proprietary Combat Brain Training program to help leaders, teams and companies exceed their performance expectations very quickly. creating unparalleled results
Elizabeth Larson
Elizabeth Larson is a consultant and advisor for Watermark Learning/Educate 360. She has over 30 years of experience in project management and business analysis. Elizabeth’s speaking history includes repeat keynotes and presentations for national and international conferences on five continents.
Rich Larson
Founder and Past President of Watermark Learning, Richard Larson is a successful entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience in business analysis, project management, training, and consulting. He has presented workshops and seminars on BA and PM topics to thousands of participants on five different continents.
Trent Leopold
Trent’s experience includes multiple speaking engagements pertaining to Business Analysis during the prior decade for various professional organizations such as "IIBA," "PMI" and "IEEE" at various venues worldwide including "BBC" and "PMBA" events. Trent has been actively serving the IIBA and PMI for more than a decade in various capacities and roles including participating in creating professional Business Analysis standards and related certification criteria for helping advance the profession.
Jeremy Mann
Jeremy is passionate in the business analyst community and has been a practitioner in software development, retail, ecommerce, supply chain, healthcare, marketing, law and manufacturing business domains. He is an active coach and team leader within projects and actively promotes transformative business practices in an ever-changing industrial landscape. As a consultant, he works with Logisolve, LLC as an advisory consultant and works directly with business analyst capabilities.
Kent McDonald
Kent writes about and practice software product management in a variety of industries including retail, fintech, agriculture, financial services, health insurance, nonprofit, and automotive. kent practices my craft with a variety of product teams and provide just-in-time resources for product people at insideproduct.co. When not writing or product managing, Kent is #ubersherpa for my family, listen to jazz and podcasts (but not necessarily podcasts about jazz), and collect national parks.
Joe Perzel
Joe Perzel has been leading projects of all sizes and managing staffs since 1982 in both a corporate and vendor capacity. He has a background in multiple industries such as healthcare, insurance, finance, government, manufacturing, non-profit and education. Presently Joe is Partner JPerzel Inc. as well as Program Manager at Surescripts LLC. Previously he has held leadership positions at Cargill, Thomson Reuters, MN Workers Compensation Bureau and International Multifoods.
Tina Underhill
Tina has over 20 years as a BA with the past 3 years in the Product Owner space. A past speaker at multiple IIBA Chapters, PSBAW locations, the South Florida PMI Chapter, and she is active on the Project Bites platform. Sharing information in a fun way helps us break down those complex and critical areas we fear together.
Saby Waraich
Energetic ... engaging ... lively ... enthusiastic ... inspiring ... words that are often used to describe Saby. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different, Saby shares his life stories and has a fun way to look at life as well as live life. You are guaranteed to learn a thing or two on your journey from his unique perspective. He is an Angel Investor, Mentor, Coach, Project & Program Management Expert, Change and Volunteer Leader with a diverse experience of over 20 years in both the public and private sector.
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