Our Business Analyst Training is just the beginning of an exceptional learning experience. Our course catalog includes Product Management Courses, Business Analysis Training, and Product Owner Training, all designed to unlock your true potential for delivering meaningful change and take your career to new heights. Our comprehensive courses are expert-led and offer practical approaches to essential topics, complemented by noteworthy real-world examples. With our training, you'll gain the confidence and expertise you need to tackle any business challenge. Don't wait any longer to start your journey towards success!
We’ve been In business since 2013
Engaging hands-on collaborative experiences
From over 20 countries
around the world
Fortune 500 companies in every industry
Public courses, conferences, and events
BACon Professional Development Conference
Pre-recorded Business Analyst conference, full access to 20 Sessions and 4 Workshops, Earn up to 26 CDUs, 18 world-class speakers, download materials, watch and re-watch on your schedule.
Our courses cover requirements elicitation, modeling, analysis, management, process improvement, and more. Get hands-on
experience with techniques and collaborate with experienced instructors.
Unleashing AI for Business Analysis
Unlock the power of AI-driven business analysis with our cutting-edge course. Master the art of eliciting, modeling, and analyzing requirements using the power of AI, NLP, and ML.
Product Owner
Master the art of product ownership. Our comprehensive courses are designed to
equip you with the skills and knowledge with practical real-world examples needed to excel
as a Product Owner.
Powerful Analysis Techniques
Up your analysis game with 7 powerful analysis techniques. Let’s explore techniques that are shifting the business analysis landscape with expert insight from business analysis pros.
Agile Business Analyst
Looking for a training program that combines
the skills of agile business analysis with the
role of product ownership? Our course how to operate as a Business Analyst within Agile.
Product Management
Get the skills and knowledge needed to excel Product Management. Our courses cover the full lifecycle from ideation to launch, product strategy, design thinking, roadmaps, and more.
American Medical Association -
Comcast -
Allianz Life -
DigiKey -
Walgreens -
Securian -
Anderson Corporation -
Target -
Blue Cross Blue Shield -
Vermeer -
Telus -
Great Clips -
Liberty Mutual -
CH Robinson -
Mayo Clinic -
Emerson -
United Healthcare -
Wegmans -
Kum and Go -
Optum -
American Medical Association - Comcast - Allianz Life - DigiKey - Walgreens - Securian - Anderson Corporation - Target - Blue Cross Blue Shield - CVS - Vermeer - Telus - Great Clips - Liberty Mutual - CH Robinson - Mayo Clinic - RBC - Emerson - United Healthcare - Wegmans - Kum and Go - Optum -
The Uncommon League Difference
The Uncommon League
Flexible Scheduling. Reschedule to a future course free. Take courses for certificate programs in any order.
Fast start your career. Interact with practical, real-world approaches and examples to help you achieve your career goals faster.
Practical real-world examples. Instructors explain complex concepts in a way that relates to real-world applications, bringing those concepts to life.
Full post-training support. Instructors are available for one to one coaching by appointment.
Hands-On Collaborative Learning. Courses are designed to be more interactive and practical, giving you real-world experience.
Other Training Companies
Lecture based.
Understand the concept but not how to apply it immediately in your career.
Focused on passing a certification test, which makes real-world practical approaches challenging to discuss and experience while learning.
Theory based. The courses focus on theory rather than providing practical examples of concepts leaving the student wondering how to bring them back to the workplace.
Some limited support via email after the course.
On their schedule. Rescheduling isn’t possible without a charge.
We Don't Settle for Boring
Our clients have been smiling and engaged with our new innovative approaches that kick training into high gear. Everything we do is designed to meaningfully engage the student online or in-person. We engage students with innovative approaches:
Collaboration Games
Blocks & Bricks
Escape Rooms
Interactive Whiteboards
Walk the Walk
Our instructors don't just teach our courses, they use the same skills they teach by consulting and engaging clients on real-world projects. That keeps instructors current on the overall profession and gives them the ability to bring meaningful experiences and practices into our courses.
Practical approaches to using techniques and making them work in your team
Current real-world experienced instructors
Instructors share "street smarts" you can't learn in a YouTube video
Constantly Innovating
Our passionate pursuit of innovation and improvement is everything. We are constantly holding focus groups and conducting research to uncover the latest trends and exciting new ideas for the future so you stay relevant and future-proof.
Innovation focus groups to unlock the next fresh exciting ideas
Research and discovery of emerging trends to keep courses vibrant
A bold future focused mindset to inspire and develop the next generation
Start Your Journey Today
Here’s What Our Customers Are Saying
This interview dives into why people should turn their conflicts into a positive result, use failure to propel into success, why should we constantly innovate